Day 86: Cerium

Clockwise from left: a lump of cerium in argon to stop it from tarnishing (from Wikimedia Commons), the largest asteroid in the solar system’s asteroid belt and dwarf planet Ceres (from Wikimedia Commons), cerium as it appears on the periodic table. Today’s element is the first of the lanthanides: cerium! It’s uses are a bitContinue reading “Day 86: Cerium”

Day 85: Uranium

Clockwise from left: a very exciting picture of Uranus (from Pixabay), a lovely dangerous disc of enriched uranium (from Pixabay), uranium as it appears in the periodic table. Well here we are: the posterchild of radioactive elements: uranium! This is a tricky post to write highlighting the importance of this element considering how much we’veContinue reading “Day 85: Uranium”

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